
Prayers for Challenging Times

Painting By Jean Mason

Prayer for February 11, 2024

You call us to listen for you, Loving Jesus and for us to be filled with your light.  Help us to be still enough to hear you and determined enough to follow the path you have chosen for us.  Let us be focused less on material things and more on the actions and love that…

Prayer for February 4, 2024

You give us an example, Loving Jesus, of the benefit of taking private time. While we are a people who desperately need community, we also need time for personal reflection. When we step away from the myriad challenges and expectations we and others have made for ourselves we gain so much. Help us to use…

Prayer for January 28, 2024

Be with us, O God, when we mourn the loss of someone or some thing that is special to us. Help us to feel your presence as we deal with the myriad of emotions attached to that loss. May we take the time to grieve and to release any anger or anxiety we have so…

Prayer for January 25, 2024

Help us to be hospitable, O God. May we seek to be welcoming to all whom we encounter. Give us the confidence greet each new day with the hope that we will make someone’s day. May we be observant of the needs of those around us and find ways to meet those needs. Transform our…

Prayer for January 23, 2024

While our logic reminds us that all of us have finite time on earth, O God of All Creation, it still surprises us when someone we know dies suddenly. Help us when those times occur to be fully present to those who are mourning. May we have the right words when we comfort others and…

Prayer for January 22, 2024

  Thank you, Caring God, for giving us the desire to be in community with others. May that grow as we meet new people, learn new cultures and expand our chosen families. Help us to get over the discomfort that often comes when we first start to get to know people. May we see them…

Prayer for January 21, 2024

Just responding to your call is a challenge, O God. Help us when that call challenges us and evil attempts to take us from the path that you have set before us. May we be encouraged by the joy and wonder we feel when what we are doing is fulfilling. Let us know that it…

Prayer for January 20, 2024

You gift us, O God with people who enter our lives and become as close or closer than family. They understand us and somehow become indispensable in our lives. They may be friends, foster parents, foster kids, or step parents who become Oh so much more. May we take the time to let them know…

Prayer for January 18, 2024

Let us pray for our country and our world. Loving God, may we cease seeing people that disagree on issues as the enemy or worse. Let us look to those things to which we can agree and build upon that. May the level of anger and fear be diminished. Help us to look at everyone…

Prayer for January 17, 2024

  May we be inquisitive today, O God of all Creation. Let us look to see your world in new and exciting ways. Help us to see those things that we often walk right by and recognize their beauty. Allow us to ask questions that help us learn the stories of those with whom we…


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